Cosplay Gallery

Glow Ups

Everyone starts somewhere….. I don’t actually have a picture of the first real cosplay Ken and I did. He was Qui Gonn Jin -he looked so much like him that I’ve never really enjoyed the ending of Episode 1. I was Queen Amidala. There is a physical photograph somewhere in this house.  When I find it, I’ll plaster that sucker everywhere.

Frodo was Bryn’s first real cosplay. And one of her most recent.

Another early one from Bleach. Bryn started as Yachiru and eventually graduated to Rukia. Ken and I are wearing the same costumes, save my bow. I updated that. Otherwise, we’re actually in the same cosplays, which really seem so much better.

Inuyasha was an early favorite, too. Bryn went from Rin to Shippo.

Lucy Pevesnsie, another long time favorite. Although the first version of Edmund was excellent and needed no upgrades, Susan did. And of course, Lucy grew a little….

Another one that has Bryn has done more than once is Kara Zor-El.

New Cosplays


Oh, the MCU. Our favorite heroes, amazing costumes, wonderful stories.

Dr. Stephen Strange was and still is Ken’s favorite character. We have copies of Strange Tales from the early days. We even have a book with Sofia Strange, Stephen and Clea’s little known daughter. Although Clea hasn’t made her appearance yet, I love her, so I created a costume based on a piece of artwork by Hannah Alexander.



Bryn loves Thor, so I made her costume based on a different piece of art by Hannah Alexander. And because Frigga and Odin are also awesome, we made cosplays of them, as well. Most awkward family photo ever…. Loki and Hela are friends of ours.



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